New Gamebase64 Browser For Mac
Is an ongoing effort to document and catalog every Commodore 64 game ever made. It's a database of over 20000 games and includes many additional bits of information about each game, such as manuals, covers and maps, along with the original game media. Previously using GameBase64 on the Mac was cumbersome and frustrating because it was not designed with Mac OS X in mind. GameBase64 Browser is trying to remedy this situtation. It's a ground-breaking frontend to the GameBase64 database, which allows you to find and play the games you remember from the past, quickly and easily with a user interface you'll feel comfortable in. Please note that games, screenshots and extras are not part of GameBase64 Browser. You will have to download them yourself.
26-Apr-2010 GameBase64 Browser 1.0 released. This is the first version of GameBase64 Browser for Mac. After many years of neglect, there finally is a real GameBase64 front-end for the Mac. I already have many ideas of how to take this even further, so stay tuned for future developments. In the meantime enjoy this new way of experiencing all the classic Commodore 64 games, it's like a blast from the past. I hope that you will discover long forgotten memories, just like I did when creating this application.
I love this program, and I'm happy to see it come out of beta. I'm also surprised by the speed of this program, scrolling through pictures of the games in no time, launching games and playing SIDS fast as he. Anyway, here are a few small notes from me: 1. Why does it have a 'paste and match style' in the edit menu? I love the TV Filter option, but I hate the button for it. Can you just make two small symbols for the TV-filter and Color correction? The Random function can actually choose the same game twice after eachother (try it with a small gamelist).
'Show on Webpage' should IMO be an Icon on the top. Again, great work! Now for smart folders and cover flow! Here's some thoughts: 1) screen real estate could be used better. How about moving Game/Version Info to a box in the bottom left like itunes/iphoto? This would fill some of them empty space in the collections column, and allow to use the place currently holding one screen-shot to show more screen shots at once in a row 2) cover-flow.
3) small buttons for tv filter/color correction, or even better, move them to preferences window 4) use internal sid player, no need to open separate sidplayer (altough I like that very much!!! 5) smart folders. 6) some place to store docs for a game 7) support for other gamebase databases (amiga etc.) remember view settings between collections (ie list for the full database, grid for favorites etc.) 9) rating mechanism 10) play count/time 11) handle game files stored as extras: double clicking original tape should start it in vice, not unzip it 12) full screen mode (maybe with original c64 font or something cheesy like that) 13) multicolumn filter like itunes (ie first select year, then genre, then author etc.) 14) links to zzap64 reviews that's about it for now. My list of ideas is much longer than your list of ideas.;) 1) I tried various different ways of laying out the information before I settled on this one. 2) I've tried this, but there's no official way to do it at the moment, and it's awfully slow with 20000 games 3) This will most likely change anyway 4) No, I'd rather not bloat it like that 5) This is so obvious 6) Store it why? I'm not sure what you mean 7) I have no interest in other platforms. 8) Easy enough 9) If you like to lose them when a new GB64 comes out, like with the Windows version.
New Gamebase64 Browser For Mac Windows 10
I'll think of a better solution 10) See 9) 11) That's something I forgot. 12) Probably not 13) Good point 14) I'll take a look at that. My list of ideas is much longer than your list of ideas. 1) I tried various different ways of laying out the information before I settled on this one. 2) I've tried this, but there's no official way to do it at the moment, and it's awfully slow with 20000 games 3) This will most likely change anyway 4) No, I'd rather not bloat it like that 5) This is so obvious 6) Store it why? I'm not sure what you mean 7) I have no interest in other platforms.

Easy enough 9) If you like to lose them when a new GB64 comes out, like with the Windows version. I'll think of a better solution 10) See 9) 11) That's something I forgot. 12) Probably not 13) Good point 14) I'll take a look at that. Very excited to finally see a Mac version of GameBase64. Only I need a bit of help on this one. Downloaded V.1.0.2, then the Screenshots from GameBase64 (GB64 v07 Pack) but the images dont appear in the Game Info browser section, only blue C64 images saying Screenshot Not Found! It created a file called GBCv03.sqlitedb when I dragged my screenshots folder into the sidebar as prompted.

Is there a plist/ini file that I need to edit or something to make sure I have the paths correcly set up? This is largely turning into a monologue here but I hope this helps out others who had no previous experience of the windows version. I downloaded Gamebase64v07 (torrent - easy to find) at 5.5GB which has all the folders set up with the contents inside. Now for some suggestions for future builds. If the List View is filtered in terms of Year, then switching to Grid View doesn't match up with the correct game info - the option to have filters in Grid View would be great. A link to the Lemon database would be awesome.
For the most part, games there seem to be structured with the incremental URLs, e.g. The game 10th Frame is 8 and game 180 is 9. Perhaps a file list for the games can be obtained from Kim Lemon.
New Gamebase64 Browser For Mac Download
Smart Folders 4. Option to have separate, floating windows for the Extras Thanks again for the application.